“Programs like LiNC-IT are important for ensuring that our workforce in the public sector is diverse and representative of the people we serve. Our intern brought new skills and approaches that allowed them to contribute meaningfully to numerous policy initiatives, and as a manager I received excellent training through the UNC TEACCH Autism Program that better prepared me to support our intern.”
- Dr. Andrea DeSantis, Former Manager of a LiNC-IT Intern, Office of the Governor
Employer Partners
Step 1
Recruitment and Development: Work with LiNC-IT through quality providers (Autism Society of NC and/or UNC TEACCH Autism Program) to develop a better understanding of recruiting neurodivergent candidates and identifying jobs for them, as well as supporting them in the interview process and onboarding.
Step 2
Employer Training and Support: Training on how to support neurodivergent employees with strategies and tools involving universal design principles. Many different training options are available, and we work with companies to see what option best meets their needs.
Step 3
Internship / On-the-Job Training: Help in developing paid work experience opportunities and educating business partners on hiring practices, benefits, and support of individuals with ASD. The length of the placement is up to the employer, ranging from 8 to 24 weeks. Salaries are paid for by the employers and the intern’s job coaches are paid for by Employment and Independence for People with Disabilities (Vocational Rehabilitation).
Step 4
Employment: Employers realize the potential benefits of a neurodiverse workforce. Work placements have the potential to lead to a job offer and participants are given the opportunity to interview for a job.
Employers who have benefitted from LiNC-IT recruits
Alamance Community College
Bank of America
Carrboro Arts Center
Credit Suisse
Deutsche Bank
Duke University Libraries
Fidelity Investments
General Electric
Jackson Hewitt
JP Morgan
Matthews Engineering
NC Dept of Commerce
NC Dept of Health and Human Services
NC Dept of Information Technology
NC Dept of Natural and Cultural Resources
NC Dept of Public Instruction
NC Dept of Public Safety
NC Dept of Revenue
NC Dept of Transportation
NC Office of the Governor
Novo Nordisk
Novozymes North America
PassionIT Group
Public Policy Polling
Smithfield Foods
Southern Alamance Family Connection
State Library of North Carolina
Technica Editorial Services
Thriving on the Spectrum
UNC Chapel Hill
UNC Healthcare
Wake County Public Libraries
Wake Technical Community College
Wells Fargo
Many employers have difficulty finding talented people to fill job vacancies. Many neurodivergent individuals have difficulty getting into businesses through traditional pathways. LiNC-IT helps make the match. Companies are reporting a multitude of advantages to hiring a neurodivergent employee.
Potential Benefits of Autistic Team Members
They bring a unique perspective and unique problem solving skills to the job.
They typically have lower absenteeism rates than others.
They typically exhibit productivity rates that equal or exceed that of other employees.
They are extremely loyal to their employer.
They have lower staff turn-over.
In a case study, employers noted no additional costs incurred when employing an adult with ASD above that associated with any new employee.
In a case study, employers indicated that employing an adult with ASD in no way resulted in reduced productivity for the business.
Having a diverse workforce is an attribute that resonates with customers.
The addition of the strengths of individuals with ASD diversify the workplace, offering organizations a competitive edge.

If you are interested in training for employers to help autistic employees thrive at your company, please reach out to Mike Chapman (mikechapman@unc.edu) from TEACCH. He can discuss in-person and virtual options to support your team.
Additionally, check out the TEAM WORKS flier to learn about the free online training for managers about how to support autistic employees.
Positions LiNC-IT Participants Have Filled
- Robotic Process Automation Programmer
- Machine Learning Development & Testing
- Data Analysis (IT, Finance)
- Project Management
- Business Analysis
- Design (UXD)
- Help Desk Tier II
- Operations Assistant
- Chief Technology Office - End User Services Engineering
- Policy Intern
- Communication / Research Specialist
- Lab Technician
- Chief Technology Office - Project Management Office
- Corporate Systems Technology – Test Engineering and Automation
- Global Markets Technology - Robotic Process Automation
- Global Markets Regulatory Services
- Chief Information Office - Group Operations Solution Delivery / Risk and Data Analytics
- Group Operations Global Cash Products
- Administrative Assistant / Receptionist
Does the employer have to be located in the Triangle area?
No, employers do not have to be located in the Triangle area of NC. As long as the participant is living in North Carolina, the employer can be anywhere in the world.
Do I have to hire an intern?
There is no obligation to hire the intern, although we hope the end result would be to hire the individual.
What types of support will the LiNC-IT participant and employer be provided? Who pays for the support? Is support provided if/when a participant is hired? And if so, how is that support paid for?
Service providers are available to provide support to both the employer and employee to help make a successful placement. The provider agency will help recruit and ensure intern is a good match for the company and job requirements. The provider can also help the business to create processes and environments that are friendly to neurodivergent candidates. A job coach would be available to support the individual in learning the skills necessary to do the job. Service providers would also provide support to the employer should any issues arise on the job. The NC Department of Health and Human Services pays for the service provider; it is at no cost to the employer or employee.
What happens if it is not a good match and I want to end the job placement?
If, after working with the job coach, the employer and the participant decide the match is not a good placement, then the job placement may be terminated.
Who do I notify that I have an opportunity available?
If you have an internship opportunity available, please contact us here and we will be in touch.
How long is a typical internship placement? Are there a required number of weeks?
The typical internship placement is 12-16 weeks. There is no requirement in length and varies from company to company.
Resources for Businesses
Let’s LiNC.