Your interest form has been submitted

Thank you for taking the time to fill out the LiNC-IT interest form. Someone from the Autism Society of North Carolina or UNC-TEACCH should contact you within seven to ten business days. If you do not hear from someone within 10 business days, please email

In the meantime, see the Checklist for LiNC-IT Resumes document, which provides tips to help your resume look professional. Use the checklist and this time to edit your resume as needed. And if you are interested in even more resume tips, check out the NC State Career Guide. The job coach could also potentially help you with your resume later if you prefer to wait. Having a professional and up-to-date resume benefits you in the search for a job or internship. If you have an updated copy of your resume later, you may email it to to be added to the LiNC-IT database.

Here is an infographic about the process of becoming a LiNC-IT participant:

You may also be interested in this page of resources geared toward LiNC-IT participants, and the database about jobs in North Carolina.